5 Practical Tips for Filing Successful Reimbursement Claims with Amazon

published on 02 October 2021

Tip 1: Track Reimbursements

  • Track the order IDs and case IDs of the orders and items that you believe you are entitled to reimbursement for.
  • When you have to go through a lot of items, it’s all too easy for things to get lost in the shuffle. Keeping track of IDs like this makes the process smoother and ensures fewer mistakes.

Tip 2: Speak to a Representative

  • If you are not getting the proper response, just give Amazon a call and talk to one of their reps.
  • You should request an “FBA Specialist” at the very least, preferably one based within the United States. If you don’t get the rights answers, then don’t be afraid to request to be transferred to another representative.
  • Another thing to do when calling in is have the same representative help you out on different cases. If you’ve got similar problems spread among lots of cases, then it can be much easier to deal with the same representative.

Tip 3: Be Prepared to Re-Open

  • You may find that there are inconsistencies between the different Amazon representatives and how they enforce Amazon policies.
  • Believe it or not, sometimes a reimbursement doesn’t go through after a representative tells you that you are going to be reimbursed. That’s why you want to double check and ensure you get the reimbursement you were promised.
  • If you know you are entitled to a reimbursement or know something hasn’t been handled properly, we recommend reopening the case and having it get reviewed again. In general, we recommend reopening cases two times. Call in if the matter still hasn’t been resolved after that.

Tip 4: Follow through!

  • Just paste the ID of the order into the payments report to verify the reimbursement.
  • Regularly go through the reimbursement process. This is something we brought up before, but each and every reimbursement will affect your bottom line. It’s worth going through them at least once a month.

Tip 5: Check Old Reimbursements

  • After checking to ensure you were actually reimbursed, don’t forget to check you were sent the right amount.
  • This is particularly important when going through items that you have received refunds for but haven’t returned. It’s common to receive a reimbursement for less than the actual amount that was removed from your account when the refund was granted.
  • Reopen any cases with missing money to request the difference, and don’t be afraid to call in to follow up on these kinds of items.

Tired of filing your reimbursement cases yourself? Or you just don't know where to start?

Let AMZReimburse handle all of your Amazon refunds for you.  

AMZReimburse helps Amazon FBA Sellers get back reimbursements from Amazon. Reimbursements include missing or damaged inventory, incorrectly handled returns, overcharged FBA fees, or FBA shipments not received.

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